Our Team


James Burchett

James Burchett is a Founding Partner of Burchett & Kemp, LLP. James has successfully represented clients across Georgia in litigation, settlements, government, contracts, regulatory compliance, probate, and real estate among other areas. James serves Georgia as its Representative for the 176th District, and he also founded and runs a company with his wife.

James is a family and faith oriented professional. He is an active member of his church and makes the time to coach his son’s sports teams. James received his Bachelor’s Degree from Georgia Southern University and his Juris Doctor from Florida Coastal School of Law.


Jason Kemp

Jason Kemp is a Founding Partner of Burchett & Kemp, LLP. Jason has represented clients across the country and around the world primarily in the aviation industry. He also serves clients in the areas of business, contracts, government, wills/trusts, regulatory compliance, and real estate among others.

Jason is also a family and faith oriented professional. He serves as a teaching elder for a house church. Jason received his Bachelor’s Degree from Georgia Southern University, his Juris Doctor from Florida Coastal School of Law, and his Master of Laws (LL.M) in Aviation and Space Law from the University of Mississippi School of Law.